Category Archives: Glimpses Project

{all systems check….} | Raleigh Child Photographer

My son’s first grade class took a field trip to RDU this week to get an up close and personal look at the UPS packaging center. It was way cool. Adults and kids alike had fantastic time seeing all of the inner workings of the cargo airplane, cargo loading area, fire truck and they got to meet Kasey, the police dog. My son’s favorite part of the tour was the cockpit. I’m pretty sure that when my daughter is in first grade next year and goes on the field trip her favorite part will be Kasey, the police dog. | find us on Facebook |

My colleagues are still working on their 52’s.

{makeup} | Raleigh Child Photographer

Here is an honest confession…I am Target last night about to have a meltdown because I have to find “ruby red” blush and “ruby red” lip pencil, face powder and waterproof mascara for Julia’s dance Gala photos on Saturday. I am almost in tears in the makeup aisle trying to figure this all out. “Is this Ruby Red? No, this is Ruby Red…” … obviously I am definitely NOT a Toddlers in Tiaras kinda mom…LOL…but we did a trial run tonight of putting her makeup on and I think it came out alright. But I am in *serious* trouble in regards to her hair. I need a tube of gel and a bunch of “How to put your daughter’s hair into a bun” YouTube videos to save the day. 🙂 | find us on Facebook |

My colleagues are still working on their 52’s.

{eggs} | Raleigh Child Photographer

It’s hard to believe but this is the first year my kids have colored Easter eggs. I knew they would love it because they love doing crafts so much. I love the colors they achieved. Hope you all had a blessed Easter season. | find us on Facebook |

My colleagues are still working on their 52’s.