Wow…what a beautiful day and what a fun family session. Meet the M. family. They have with their own hands crafted some beautiful home renovations. Their results are impressive. I was in love with the wood grain and rustic elements and also the beautiful bank of windows. The light was dreamy. Their son, Mr. F, was such a delight. I see lots of wonderful, artistic endeavors in his future. Meeting with you guys and doing your session is exactly what makes me passionate about being a photographer. Can’t wait to share the rest – so many wonderful images.
1) $50 off CREATIVE SESSION FEE: Book your 2011 session NOW and receive a $50 discount on the session fee (offer valid through Tuesday, February 1st). This is the perfect time to set up your 2011 session. Great for those senior portraits, annual photo of your child(ren), family session for Christmas gifts & cards. Please contact me for more information. {Out of fairness to other clients this offer cannot be extended beyond January 31st & offer is not valid for the Quick Pic Packages}. For more pricing info, click here. Thanks!
2) Annual “Photo of the Year” Contest: 2010 was such a great year and I had so many wonderful clients. Here are some of my many favorite images and now it’s up to all of you to pick YOUR favorite! Get the word out – email your friends and family, post something on your FACEBOOK page… Only one vote per computer/IP Address is allowed to keep it fair and fun for everyone. Oh, and select your number carefully! The number assigned to each image is ABOVE the image. *******To cast your vote, please scroll to the bottom of the post & select the radio button for your favorite image and then click the “VOTE” button. This is how final votes will be accounted for. Thanks so much!! ***********
And the grand prize for the image with the most number of votes:
* Waived creative session fee for your 2011 session ($150.00 value) -and- $100 voucher towards prints & products.*
The contest ends Sunday, January 30th at midnight, winner will be announced Monday, January 31st.
And now for the images … in no particular order {Remember, the image numbers to vote for appear ABOVE the image}:
Oh, and while you are at it, we’d love for you to join our Facebook Page.
I had the joy of meeting Miss J today. She is beautiful and is the best little cuddle bug. Ahhh…. Love her sweet face, beautiful little lips and gorgeous dark hair. Needless to say she has brought much joy to her family this Christmas!
Didn’t I tell you she is beautiful?!
Well, that wraps it up for sessions in 2010. Hope you all have a blessed and wonderful Christmas!